torsdag den 22. marts 2007

Crime Scene Helsinki - AGM 2007

SKS Annual Meeting and Seminar 25.-27.5.2007 : Crime scene Helsinki
After hosting the Eurovision Song Contest 2007, Finland and Helsinki welcome and invite Scandinavian crime writers to participate in SKS's annual general meeting and seminar in Helsinki, hosted by Suomen Dekkariseura.


During three intensive days you’ll find out who wins Glasnyckeln, get to know Helsinki as a crime scene and naturally meet old friends and new ones.


Friday 25.5.

13.00 hours Glasnyckeln award ceremony. Location NIFIN
14.00 hours travel to Park Hotel Käpylä
15.00 hours SKS seminar for members. Confirmed speakers: writers Mark Billingham and Inger Frimansson
19.00 hours dinner, Park Hotel Käpylä

Saturday 26.5.

11-13.30 hours : Writer’s meeting with public audience (organised by Suomen Dekkariseura). Participants include: Glanyckeln-winner (hopefully), Mark Billingham, Inger Frimansson, Tapani Bagge (winner of the 2007 Finnish Clew of the Year Award). There will be one session in Finnish and one in English
Location: Annantalo . You can also find information about Annantalo in english.
14-15.30 Lunch for seminar participants, location will be announced later
15.30 hours Crime scene Helsinki tour for seminar participants. On foot, may include tram rides.
19.30 hours Dinner, location will be announced later

Sunday 27th May

10.00 hours SKS Annual Meeting, Park Hotel Käpylä
12.00 hours a light lunch, Park Hotel Käpylä
… towards home…

Fee, registration, hotels etc., see below.

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