tirsdag den 3. januar 2006

A new year of crime - two important dates

Hi everybody and a happy new year - I hope it will be a good one.
And no, I'm not dead - yet. There is no excuse for this laziness, not even a decent explanation, but let bygones be bygones and move on (and yes, I would really appreciate it if anyone else would make the effort to write something, anything to post on this blog - there must be someone out there who has something to share with the rest of us... Just e-mail me, and I'll make sure it appears right here).
Anyway, I'll stop whining and get down to business.
We left the meeting in Copenhagen very optimistic and up-beat, confident that we'd move on, move beyond our troubles, find solutions etc. We had a plan...
Sadly, the plan has not come to fruition - yet - and we've done nothing since to solve our problems. At least, not in common. And yes, it's probably all my fault, as I have not vielded the presidential whip at all. But there's still plenty of time. For the whip, for the plan, for SKS.
Anyway, the date and venue for the 2006 SKS-conference remain intact - Copenhagen, May 19th - 21st. The costs will be about the same as last year, or less - i.e. 1.000 dkr + hotel, or dkr 2.000 total if at all possible.
The program - well, it's still a bit early to tell, but I think it's safe to say that there will be a couple of dinners, a few lectures and, yes, an Annual General Meeting on sunday. Anyone with a good idea for a lecture, please contact me asap or simply comment this article - a lively exchange of ideas about anything, right here on this blogsite, is what this is supposed to be all about.
Another important date is June 2nd - and the venue is Zaragoza, Spain. On June 2nd through june 4th, the annual general meeting of AIEP, the international organization of crime writers takes place at the hotel Via Romana. Details will be provided here soon.
So, for everyone coming from Sweden, Finland, Norway or Iceland - make a trip of it! I'm sure there are some decently priced flights from Copenhagen to Barcelona or Madrid... And the Danes, of course, have all the luck - just nip to the SKS-conference downtown Copenhagen, and take a trip to the sun a couple of weeks later...
I will contact the local vice-presidents in the next days in order to organize the SKS-conference and get their views on SKS's future, something I trust you all have discussed thoroughly for the last few months...
I have some ideas of my own, which I will post here in the days to follow - so stay posted.
Cheers and a lovely new year to all of you,
Ævar Örn.

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