onsdag den 8. februar 2006

SKS's framtid - No effort: No reward.

But – and this, to me, is a non-negotiable premise for any society wanting to have a say about the Glass-key – the respective society must be a member of the SKS.
To me, it seems unreasonable and, quite frankly, simply unacceptable for any society to insist on nominating and voting on a candidate for SKS’s Glass key, whilst denouncing SKS and refusing to be part of it at the same time.
It kind of reminds one of the story of the Little red hen (and for those who do not know this story,
  • here
  • it is).
    And surely, fulfilling the duties of a member of SKS is a lot less hassle than what that poor old hen had to go through before she finally got to eat her bread...
    If a society is not a member of the SKS – well, then it’s not entitled to enter a candidate for the Glass key. It’s as simple as that. Or that, at any rate, is my personal opinion on this particular issue. Feel free to disagree and try to convince me along with anyone else within SKS that this should not be so.

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